Our services

Double Check - Logo bokiem

We answer the most important
client questions:

Did we get what we paid for?

Was the price we paid for the campaign fair?

Were the media we bought exactly to what we agreed to in the purchase orders?

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Double Check - Logo bokiem
Jacek Balicki - Dyrektor Marketingu NC+

Jacek Balicki
Marketing Director

“Jacek perfectly understands the sales challenges that Clients have when they decide to spend money on media. He knows media very well and is able to look at quality of any campaign from this perspective”

Marcin Idzik - Dyrektor Działu Sprzedaży TVN

Marcin Idzik
Sales Director

“Paweł is a noted TV expert. He has proved his superb knowledge of media practices and is a very good negotiator.”

Maciej Kossowski - Vice President Sales Strategy Grupa Wirtualna Polska

Maciej Kossowski
VP Sales Strategy
in Wirtualna Polska Group

“Paweł is a highly business results oriented professional. He is a very good manager who perfectly understands the media.”

Marek Kmiecik - Dyrektor Marketingu Grupa CCC

Marek Kmiecik
Marketing Director
CCC Group

“I would say Jacek is excellent in both the theory and practice of media. I especially appreciate his competences in strategic media planning.”


Jacek Olechowski - Prezes Zarządu Mediacap SA

Jacek Olechowski
Mediacap SA

“Jacek has vast experience in connecting the world of traditional media with the world of new media. He is a true expert in the area of digital media.”

Sławomir Ronkowski - Dyrektor ds. Komunikacji Korporacyjnej i Zrównoważonego Rozwoju - LPP SA

Sławomir Ronkowski
Corporate Communication
and Balanced Development Director - LPP SA.

“I got to know Jacek as a process and business results oriented professional. He understands how media work and he knows how to convert this knowledge into the success of a brand.”