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  • office@doublecheck.com.pl

Media pitch – Best Choice©

The Best Choice© process involves supporting Clients in the pitch process and selecting the best partner to manage media budgets. We understand the importance of costs, both in media buying and media management, but we also know that advertisers need a lot of support from Agencies. The support may include strategic advice, innovation, creativity and technological competence, to nam a few. Clients organize pitches sporadically, whereas for us, it is a daily routine. Therefore, we have been helping Clients for years to choose and establish the best conditions for their cooperation.

Why is it worth it?
  • We have extensive experience in managing the pitch process, ensuring the efficiency of the tender procedure and the unequivocal selection of the best Agency
  • We execute projects within the framework of Clients’ internal procurement procedures or Public Procurement Law (PZP)
  • We are familiar with market realities and know which entities can best meet the criteria set by Clients
  • We assist in creating a professional brief
  • We provide proven guarantee table templates and reliable methodologies for securing pitch costs
  • We have up-to-date knowledge of market practices related to managing media budgets
  • We support clients with media-related issues related to the pitch
  • After selecting the best offer, we assist clients in the negotiation process of cooperation terms and contractual security
What to expect?
  • Preparation of the pitch process schedule
  • Presentation of the Media Agencies market
  • Support in selecting Agencies to be invited to the pitch
  • Support in communication with agencies
  • Assistance in preparing the pitch brief
  • Support in establishing evaluation criteria
  • Preparation of the buying guarantee templates
  • Preparation of the proposed extensive contract between the Client and the Agency
  • Participation during pitch presentations
  • Preparation of cost and substantive offer comparisons
  • Support in negotiating service terms and contract provisions
Frequently asked questions

How much time do we need to conduct a media pitch?

The optimal time is 2-3 months, counted from the moment we are commissioned with the project to the selection of the winner.

What is the added value of an Auditor in a pitch?

Invaluable. The involvement of an Auditor is not just about independent selection. An Auditor brings experience from hundreds, of similar projects. The Auditor’s involvement helps in selecting the appropriate evaluation criteria and in their verification. The Auditor ensures the professional description of the Agency’s offer, including the detailed specification of media buying costs and securing them in the contract.

How often is it worth conducting tender processes?

The pitch process itself is worth conducting every few years, while post-post cost verification is essential every year. At Double Check, this is a standard practice with Clients.

We want to select the best Auditor to conduct the pitch. What should we pay attention to?

Certainly, pay attention to competencies and knowledge. It is also worth seeking insights from individuals working in media agencies, though not necessarily those currently servicing you. All Auditors in Poland handle television well, but in our opinion, few have a deep understanding of Digital media, which is the number one medium from the market’s perspective. Therefore, it is advisable to request verification of the Auditor’s digital competencies during the selection process, beyond the Auditor’s statement that such competencies exist.