Financial verification – Financial Check©
Verification of settlements is usually a part of the True View© media audit, but it can be conducted independently of this process. Financial Check©, carried out by Double Check, is based on exceptional competencies in this area, stemming from the experience of Double Check’s founders, who were responsible for negotiating and settling financial operations on both the media suppliers and Media Agency sides.
Why is it worth it?
Assuring of the correctness of settlements in all financial matters
- Media costs items typically involve large amounts, hence financial verification is a standard practice employed by the largest advertisers
- Verification of the level of fulfillment of declarations made to media owners
- Ensuring transparency regarding the entities with which media purchasing transactions are made
What to expect?
Frequently asked questions
How often should settlements be verified?
Not less than once a year; however, it is a good practice to conduct Financial Check© as part of the True View© audit, for instance, quarterly or semi-annually.
Does financial verification fully secure the settlements between the Client and the Agency?
The degree of settlement security depends on the scope of obligations specified in the contract and the practice of annual verification of buying conditions. With the implementation of the agreement proposed to Clients by Double Check and regular updates of conditions, Financial Check© secures Clients to the greatest extent possible.
What happens in the event of discrepancies in settlements?
In such cases, Double Check identifies the source of the discrepancies. If the discrepancies are confirmed, Double Check, with its extensive experience in such matters, advises the Client on the most optimal actions and often supports them in negotiations with the Agency.
Are there media types where settlement verification can reveal larger discrepancies than others?
There is no such regularity. Whether verification reveals discrepancies often depends on the nature of the Client-Agency relationship defined by the contract and whether the Advertiser has a culture of conducting settlement verifications.