The Importance of Effective Collaboration Between Agencies and Advertisers in Building Brand Communication. Recent research titled “Mind the Gap” conducted by WPromote on the U.S. market reveals a significant disparity in the perception of agency service quality between agencies and their clients. This study highlights the differences in how agencies and clients view various aspects of their collaboration, including:

  • – Overall Client experience
  • – Agency presentations
  • – Transparency
  • – Timeliness and speed of task execution
  • – Use of technology
  • – Ability to demonstrate return on investment (ROI)
  • – Frequency of communication and meetings
  • – Creativity of solutions

Overall Client Experience

The category of overall client experience reflects advertisers’ fundamental satisfaction with the agency’s work. According to the data, agencies rate their service confidence at 76%, while brands express satisfaction at only 39%. This significant gap indicates a critical discrepancy in perceived service quality. To bridge this gap, agencies should focus on better understanding their clients’ needs and expectations and more effectively tailoring their actions to meet these requirements.

Agency Presentations

Agency presentations are a crucial element of the collaboration between agencies and brands. The results show that agencies are confident in their effectiveness in this area at 56%, whereas brands rate their satisfaction at 41%. Key areas for improvement include increasing the interactivity and personalization of presentations.


Transparency in agency operations is another vital aspect evaluated by advertisers. Agencies rate their transparency at 63%, while advertisers indicate satisfaction at 42%. This point highlights a significant challenge within the marketing industry.

Timeliness and Speed of Execution

Timeliness and speed of execution are critical for client satisfaction. The data shows that agencies are confident in their punctuality at 65%, whereas brands rate their satisfaction with this aspect at 41%. This is an area where agencies need to implement more rigorous project management procedures and better monitor schedules.

Use of Technology

The use of technology is an increasingly important factor influencing client satisfaction. Agencies rate their confidence in their technological use at 62%, while brands show satisfaction at 45%. This difference indicates a need for further investment in modern technologies and better training for teams to offer newer and more effective technological solutions.

Analysis of Satisfaction Gap

The analysis of the satisfaction gap between agencies and advertisers points to a significant need for intervention in the quality of customer service provided by agencies. Differences in the assessment of service quality, presentation processes, transparency, timeliness, and the use of technology suggest that agencies must focus on better understanding and meeting their clients’ needs.

To enhance the effectiveness of their collaboration, agencies must address the significant discrepancies highlighted in the “Mind the Gap” study. By focusing on understanding and meeting client needs, improving presentation quality, ensuring transparency, adhering to timelines, and leveraging advanced technology, agencies can better align their services with client expectations. This alignment is crucial for building strong brand communication and achieving mutual success in the competitive advertising market.