In the rapidly evolving world of media, advertisers are increasingly faced with the challenge of selecting channels that will effectively drive both sales and long-term brand awareness. Although consumers are exposed to multiple media simultaneously, only a few channels can effectively operate on both these fronts. According to Nielsen data, only 36% of media channels globally achieve above-average results in both sales and brand building. This highlights the need for a balanced approach in media strategy.

Global Perspective on Channel Effectiveness

The effectiveness of media channels in achieving both sales and brand-building objectives varies significantly by region and by medium. While 42% of channels in the Asia-Pacific region exceed average results in these metrics, in the Americas, this figure is only 20%. Regardless of the region, the data indicate that not all media are equally effective across the full spectrum of advertising campaign goals.

Analysis of Effectiveness by Channel

Nielsen’s analysis of different media channels helps to better understand which ones perform best across the full funnel of sales and brand objectives.

Here are the key findings:

  • – 62% of display campaigns, as well as social campaigns and television, perform above average in both sales and branding, though with a limited potential for exclusive brand awareness building.
  • – Online video shows a better balance between sales and brand awareness, with 22% of campaigns being effective in both aspects. This highlights the greater potential of video for brand building compared to display advertising.
  • – In the case of out-of-home (OOH) advertising, 46% of campaigns underperform in brand-building alone, but 30% are effective in both sales and branding. This makes OOH a solid tool for integrated marketing efforts.
  • – Print proves less effective in brand awareness building, with 72% of campaigns outperforming the average in this category. However, only 8% of print campaigns are effective in both brand building and sales.
  • – Radio, like OOH, offers balanced effectiveness, with 29% of campaigns effectively combining brand building and sales. However, the majority of radio campaigns (53%) underperform when it comes to branding.

Nielsen’s findings clearly indicate that the effectiveness of media channels within the sales funnel varies by medium, forcing advertisers to adopt a more balanced approach to media planning. With only 36% of channels worldwide able to effectively support both sales and brand building, it underscores the difficulty in executing campaigns that combine short-term and long-term goals.

To maximize their investments, advertisers must understand the specifics of each medium and apply a diversified strategy tailored to particular objectives. Channels that excel in one function can be complemented by others, helping to build a more comprehensive and effective media strategy. The ultimate key to success is accurately matching channels to defined campaign goals, which will allow for optimal results in both sales and long-term brand image building.